
Thursday, September 6, 2012

It’s been a while since I posted here. Mostly, I’ve been working with fiber and trying to stay out of trouble. The first one is, by the way, far easier than the second one.

I’ve recently connected with some people that share a lot of interests of mine, and I’ve been plotting trouble for a while. I have 5 or 6 projects going at the same time. The loom has cloth on it that needs finishing, the knitting needles have half a shawl. My hoop has a beautiful bit of cross stitch on it, wanting to be worked on, and a doily that I’m crocheting wants attention. I also have wine that needs to be turned and four animal whores that want to be loved. We’re not even going to talk about the carpet needing vacuumed because, let’s face it. The dogs will walk across it or I’ll start to spin and it’ll just need to be vacuumed again. It’s not even worth bothering with at this point.

So, with all that going on, who has time to write? Well, I do, actually, I’d just rather be working with fiber, so I stick my middle finger up at the computer and reach for a needle. Life is too short, right? I’ll try to be better, I promise. (Remember, I did say try, not actually succeed. And don’t go quoting Yoda at me. I’ll flip you off as well.)

It seems, though, as if I’m spread a bit thin these days. I keep telling myself that never again will I start more than one project. It’s a lie. I know it is when I say it. It’s in my nature, and the nature of women to create, so I bite off more than I can chew. Deal with it.

So, how many of you are like me? How many are trying to do too many damn things at once, and wonder why nothing seems to get finished? Don’t worry about it too much. It’ll all get done eventually. I’m not scattered, I just have varied interests.

I was going to start knitting, but the cat is lying on my shawl. The dog is lying on the book with my cross stitch pattern. The other cat has confiscated the chair that my spinning wheel is in front of, and the  fat beagle has parked herself on my crocheting. That’s why I have so many things going at once. It’s not my fault. The animals make me do it.

So, that settles it. It’s off to the loom….. 


  1. Oh I always have more than one project at a time. I just need to finish them at some point LOL. That's part of my problem. I get started on a project... get side tracked and start a new one. this keeps happening until I have like 8-9 things going at once and never finish anything in a timely manner. However I want to start finishing some art so I can maybe start selling some.

    I am thankful that the mead and wine business doesn't take too much of my time!

  2. Mead and wine is time intensive when you're actively working it, then you take a long break while waiting for the microbes to do the rest for you. LOL... I spend and entire day once a month on the wine, and then do other things for the rest of the month.
