
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Well, it’s time for the annual rite of insanity known as the Holidays. Let me say, for the record, that I am well provisioned in my bunker, waiting out the crazies. I sit, sure in the knowledge that, like a kidney stone, this too shall pass. I can wait them out.

I don’t want to talk about the looniness going on at shopping malls all over the world. I can’t stop that, and I really don’t want to. If people want to go to Toys R Us and fight to the death over a video game, who am I to try to stop them. It’s their lives and if they want to shed blood over a video game or other crap they don’t need, good on them. When the holidays are over and the bodies are cleared from the field of battle, I can walk in, get what I want, and walk out without injury.

No, what I really want to address is the “War on Christmas.” That’s the idiocy I’m referring to. It’s here… again… like a Civil War reenactment every year. People don’t want to let the war end.

I used to think it was only crazy Christian fundies and Fox Nooze that perpetuate this, but now I’m not so sure. After watching my Facebook feed for the past couple of days, I’m convinced that Pagans, too, want to wage the “War on Yule,” or some other bullshit. (To my family and friends, don’t worry. I put on flame retardant panties this morning. I’m going to be fine.)

You see, here’s what I see happening. The opening shots usually come from the Fundies (or Fox Nooze.) Then Pagans, who have been studying all year for this, start firing away about how Christmas Trees are really Yule Trees, and Christians stole them from us. We go on and on about this or that Holy Day that was celebrated at this time of year, and how the Church co-opted those days to win converts. This year, I’ve noticed a new bit of ammunition about how there are verses in the Bible on how Christmas trees are forbidden.

I won’t dispute the veracity of any of these things. They are, for the record, quite true. They are all, however, academic and make no fucking difference whatsoever. It’s meaningless. We can babble on and on about Saturnalia, and how Santa Claus is really Odin, or whatever theory is in vogue, but it’s useless and just perpetuates the idea that we are stealing Christmas. It’s worse when, since we know we’re right, we get like a cat playing with a lizard, and won’t let up until the damn thing is dead.

It’s hurting our cause and convincing said Crazy Fundies that they’re right. We’re trying to take away Christmas. In other, plainer words, we’re doing to them exactly what they do to us.

It’s unbecoming. It’s stupid. More importantly, it’s hurting us. It’s making us look like a bunch of petulant children fighting over a toy. It’s time to give it up.

We all want people that profess a faith to live by the tenets of that faith. If people claim that a book is literally true, then that entire book is literally true. Yes, I know all of that. It’s just that they stole this stuff a very long time ago. The statute of limitations ran out a couple of centuries ago. Let it go.

You can make your point, of course. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. After you make your point, let it go. Leave it alone. Walk away. Act like the grown up in the situation and let them have the fucking Christmas tree, or whatever. You can go home, sit in front of your Yule tree and have an egg nog in peace. There is nothing to be gained from continuing to fight. If we do this, and they continue to scream, (and they will,) we win because they look like idiots fighting with no one.

And also, I get some peace and don’t have to listen to the bullshit anymore. 


  1. the use of academic truths is to point out the hypocritical actions they perform everyday when mud slinging and trying their best to use their own holy test to deny the rights of human beings. If people don't bother to point out untruths then NO ONE ever learns. If one person changes their mind by what is being pointed out then the effort was worth it... would you not agree? You flame about how men and women are different because you want to educate people to a truth. It is no more idiocy than people trying to educate others is it not?

  2. I'm not talking about educating people. I'm talking about how beating them over the head with it does no good and is actually harmful to our case. Educating people is a good thing, trying to force people to listen makes us just as bad as they are. Do you like being hit over the head with the Bible? I don't. They see our attempts to "educate" them by constantly repeating the same things over and over in the same way. What I'm advocating isn't giving in, I'm saying that we need to walk away when it's clear that they aren't listening. Not the same thing at all, in my book. There can't be a war on anything if both sides refuse to fight. They can sling arrows all they want, but if they hit nothing but air, it's their capital they're wasting.

  3. One more thing that I think is important. If people don't like what I say here, they have the option of leaving and not coming back. I don't chase them down, tackle them and force them to listen to my haranguing or lecturing. People have the right not to listen, and I respect that right. When we, as Pagans, continually tell them that they stole our traditions, and they did, and when we beat them over the head with that, it's not education, it's harassment. it's harassment when they do it, it's harassment when we do it.

  4. well in that case I won't say I have a war. I never chance anyone... unless they are stealing my favorite foods. I put it out there. If they don't like they don't have to read, listen, whatever. I will never stop putting it out there. If that is 'warring' oh well LOL.
