
Monday, November 12, 2012

It’s been a while since I posted here, and I will admit that it’s for one reason. I was waiting for someone to engage me. The last couple of posts have dealt with the patriarchy and the way it still treats women. I have gotten NO response at all. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nothing.

The men that I expected to defend themselves never showed up. The man haters saying “Right on Sister!!” never got to the party. I asked a couple of people for their opinion, and the most combative response I got was, “We’ll have to agree to disagree.”

WHAT THE FUCK??????? Are you all serious? What are you all afraid of here? Even the gay men in my life, refuse to even talk to me about it. The one woman that I know that thinks we need to keep 100 men for breeding purposes and launch the rest into space with anyone who still watches Glee won’t engage me on this issue.

What are people so fucking afraid of? It’s been 100 years since women took the right to vote. The patriarchy has been dominant for what, four, five thousand years? Probably more, actually, and we’re afraid to admit that it didn’t get dismantled completely in less than a hundred years??

Ladies, do you think they’re going to kick us out of the board rooms if we tell the truth? Men, do you think you’re not going to get laid if you admit that, in a lot of ways, you’re still assholes? Seriously? What a bunch of fucking cowards we are. Yes, I’m including myself in there.

I was considering dropping this, you see. I spent last night trying to come up with a boffo post on cooperation or control, or some other bullshit topic that was less controversial. A topic, in short, that people would actually talk to me about. After a couple of hours of writer’s block and a growing sense of rage, I gave up on that.

We have to grasp that we can’t hide our heads in the sand and solve our problems. We can’t have a level playing field if we refuse to admit that it’s not level now.

Both men and women are both so afraid to take an honest look what the Patriarchy has done to damage both sides, and to confront the problem head on. I’m tired of the bullshit, and I’m not going to stop screaming until someone listens to me.